Merry Christmas!
I am back from Pakistan to be with my family during this time of the year to celebrate Christmas. Thank you so much for your prayers and support; This time, I was in Pakistan for three weeks and I went to four different areas (Youhana Abad, Narowal, Shahkot and Murid-Ke) to hold crusades (evangelistic & healing meetings). I also ministered in two churches in Lahore and God moved in all of these meetings in a powerful way. Thousands of people came to these meetings. About 1600 hundred people made the commitment to the Lordship of Christ and many received healings and miracles. We saw lame people walking, partially blind eyes opening and
many other healings and deliverances took place. To God be the Glory!
This year again we did the Christmas project in which we gave gifts to hundreds of children. We also gave new clothes and shoes to the kids at the Children's Home orphanage. And we served a big Christmas dinner to hundreds of children and poor people in Youngson Abad. Children and poor people were greatly blessed by this year's Christmas project. Again, thank you so much to those who gave toward this year's Christmas project. God gave us favor with the local authorities and with the government of Punjab (One of the four provinces of Pakistan). And so a big local official from the district of Nankana Sahib and a provincial minister for "Human rights and Religious Affairs" had also come to the CFP Christmas event. And two friends (Robert and Melissa)from Denver, Colorado also came to the Christmas
event and they participated in other ministry events as well.They were a great blessing and encouragement to us in Pakistan.CFP medical team did a free medical camp in Youngson Abad.In this camp our medical team treated
more than 400 people including children who were suffering with various diseases.We also gave them free
medicine. This year in our Bible College we trained 31students to evangelize Pakistan with the gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
please continue to keep "Christian Fellowship Of Pakistan"
(CFP) and all of its ministries (23 Churches, a school & orphanage,
Bible College, Widows ministry, medical ministry and the evangelistic
ministry) in your prayers. Thank you!
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and use you continually
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and use you continually

In Christ,
Salik John Barkat
P.S. Our new 4WD vehicle was a great blessing in travelling to all these
different areas in Pakistan. Again, thank you so much
for contributing toward this vehicle.