Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry
Every Child Every Day

Friday, 2 November 2012

Lost in the Jungle

Feed the Hungry – Stop Press - East Africa Office Kampala Uganda Pastor Solomon Mwesige

Refugee Crisis: D R Congo - Uganda Relief

Urgent Report: Rwamwanja Refugee Camp

Committed to feeding 2,000 in Jungle over 30,000 in the camp

Cannot wait for containers will buy food locally – food prices have soared. Please send funds

 Pastor Solomon’s raw account of what is happening on the ground in Rwamwanja may not have the silky smooth patter of a PR press release, but expresses the urgent need of a people running scared and living in desperation that we cannot even begin to comprehend.

“It's horrible. The water they can't use its horrible, it's shocking because when I stopped and was giving out some rice to the few little hearts that were close to the road you would see children running to me to receive something… anything…. and I said I can’t believe these are human beings that are starving and living the way they are, and living the way they were living. It is just unbelievable.

They've been there since April. When I went there it's because I wanted to move back some of the children that were in Kampala that had been brought to me by the police for help. So because I knew there was a refugee camp I wanted to see if I could help take them to the refugee camp and that's when I got to see what was actually happening there. (Congolese children in Kampala helped thanks to you)

That is the worst I have ever seen. This is way beyond what I have ever seen. Nothing anywhere close to what I have seen in my life.

Starvation is what you see on everybody's face. Wrinkled, sickly. One old guy that…a lady was seated dizzy because of hunger.... but I gave out food. I had some boxes of rice even. The very first time they denied me…I still had to …to be able to come with the letter and also come with more help.

It's a jungle. They have left these people in the jungle. It’s just…. you see nothing but you know the forest and even monkeys, you see monkeys and people are living together. I would say this, I have never seen this in my entire life. And one pastor ; Pastor Thierry came to me , he introduced himself as pastor in the camp, and he asked if they could pray with me. So they made a circle and wanted me to come into the middle of the circle and all of them laid hands on me and said “You are a Moses. We believe God is going to use you to take us out of this Egypt”. And that really touched my heart, so this is why I have to tell the story. I don’t know….it's a disaster.

My plea would be could we have an immediate support so we can buy at least some corn and beans inland so that we can at least save the most vulnerable, and that is children and women, at least the children and women. At that is really needed because you never know what could happen tomorrow. People could start dying.

They walked miles through forests. Others even went through swamps to be able to run out. All of them tell you of different horrible stories. There were even cases of rape, killing, stealing, and gunshots everywhere. And the people run. Some people were even being reunited with their families that they thought were dead but made it in the camps.”

“FURAHA NAPASKALINI is a tiny 5 year old girl that I randomly picked from a population of 2051 kids at a Congolese refugee camp compound in Rwamwanja. This camp of 30.000 people where over 60% are below 18 years, was reopened for the refugees from Congo after it had been closed in 1996 when the refugees from Rwanda went back to their Country.

Furaha is from a place called Uvira in Congo, she is very shy and got very frightened when I started asking about her experience and how she escaped to come to Uganda.

I asked her why she came to Uganda and she told me that she ran and ran away from the bullets. I asked her how she feels and she said that the sound of bullets made her heart hurt pain like it was coming out of her body.

She told me that her Father and Mother were both killed when they were in the bush running away from their home. 4 of her elder brothers and sisters were also killed while running from Congo and she was left alone. She told me in tears that she saw them die and a man by the name of Mackley Mapendo carried her when she was sitting next to the bodies of her dead members of her family and told her to go with him because he was going to protect her if they make it alive.

She says that as they run through the forests, she was scared of wild animals that she saw, and snakes and bugs. Again and again they had to jump over dead bodies in the forests.

I asked her about the condition she was living in here in the camp compared to her former home in Uvira Congo and she said, apart from hunger and the bad situation she lives in, she is actually happy that she is safe.( Mackley Mapendo is keeping his promise and is keeping her safe.)

She said she will never go back home to Congo because of the flying bullets.

Feed the hungry has already committed funds for Pastor Solomon and Pastor Thierry to start working amongst the refugee thanks to your donations for emergency stocks. We need to do more, and food prices are rocketing in the area.

But still we can feed a child for £6.30 for a month. A family can be supported for £25 for a month. He are praying that the prices will drop when the harvest comes in in January. But we need to act now.

You can help right now     
FEED Congo  to  70444
and donate just £3

Please tell a friend of how they can help to feed children Lost in the Jungle.

Thank you