Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry
Every Child Every Day

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Christ Church - New Zealand

 Please join us in prayer for a unity and direction during this dangerous period.
For help in finding the trapped and strength for all the emergency services

FTH is preparing and assessing our response to this unfolding situation.
 News Report

Speaking from Christchurch after flying down this afternoon, the New Zealand Herald quoted Key as telling One News that it was likely the quake would prove to be New Zealand's "darkest day".
He said that New Zealanders should be assured that their government is doing everything it can to provide relief and rehabilitation.
He said there were 180 police on the ground, a further 200 were on the way and 350 military were already in Christchurch with another 250 to arrive soon.
The government had accepted offers of specialist help from Australia and US.
"I don't think we can go past the fact that we may well be witnessing New Zealand's darkest day," Key said, but added that the death toll 65 may rise.
Christchurch mayor Bob Parker says: "As daylight comes tomorrow we need to prepare ourselves for what is likely to be significant numbers of casualties."
Earlier today, residents reported were bodies lying in the streets of Christchurch.
Police said fatalities had been reported at several locations and that falling buildings had crushed two buses.
Mayor Parker has declared a state of emergency. (ANI)

Friday, 11 February 2011

Latest Report from Cambodia

The haunting memories of the formidable Khmer Rouge regime still plague the minds of Cambodians today. Under the leadership of Pol Pot, this bloodthirsty, communist rule killed an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians (1/5 of the population) in three years. Parents witnessed the abduction of their child by the government. Farmers were unable to produce food due to buried landmines. Relatives, friends, and neighbors saw their loved ones taken to the “killing fields” as the government filled these mass graves with innocent people. Even though the Khmer Rouge regime came to an end, the descendents are still haunted by their tragic history. 

FTH began an Every Child Every Day program in Kompong Thorn with the help of Sokhon and Esther of Evangelical Mission Church. This program started off by providing food for 520 children daily through your support.

'Praise the Lord; in 2007 before we had the feeding program, we had only 5 villages outreach and only about 20-30 people in our church. So far we have 20 villages outreach and over 100 people come to attend our Sunday service in our mother church. But the total believers in all of these places, there are not least than 1000 (adults, youths and children) believers.

The percentage of the children who couldn’t go to school before, now most of them are able to go to school. And they are saved.'

We now feed

1-    We feed 600 children 4-5 meals per week.
2-    We feed another 600 kids 1 time a month (Just only desert).
3-    We feed 30 kids in our children’s home (Daily, 3 times a day)

 Please pray for 

For increasing fund, so we can feed more needy children.
Because now the ministry is bigger and I can’t do it alone, so please pray for financial need for the salary for 4 full time staffs.
For my family peacefulness and healthiness.
For the faithfulness of the believers.
For more kids are being saved and their parents.
For more churches to be planted in Cambodia through my association.
For two more motorbikes because now we have 20 villages outreach but we have only 2 motorbikes to use to all these places.

If you would like to help please donate online at  FEED THE HUNGRY UK