Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry
Every Child Every Day

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas From The Team at Feed The Hungry

Merry Christmas to you all in this season of celebration, as we settle into  a week of festivity , a time of rejoicing, reflection and catching up with family and friends.  

On Christmas Eve I wanted to extend my thanks you for following my footsteps throughout this year, and partnering with Feed the Hungry in helping the Last, the Lost and  the Least.  Thank you also for following me  in my voyage of discovery from sitting on a doorstep of an orphanage cradling an abandoned baby, to sharing out food to drought ridden villages in Sahel region of Africa.

Working for Feed the Hungry is a God given privilege, and through your continuing support, friendship,  encouragement and partnership  much has been achieved.

From establishing an office/warehouse - thanks to the assistance of All Nations Church i Leicester - to the assistance of Street Pastors in Hinckley dedicating funds to provide a Transit Luton Van, to work with local foodbanks and other charities to provide a partnering resource.  To establishing partnering programs so that Churches,  companies and individuals can be more closely informed on the development of specific projects.
Whilst in the UK,  the intensity  of the activity was in establishing a strong base for the future growth of Feed the Hungry , much has also been achieved in breaking new ground abroad.

Earlier this year,  Andrew Pemberton (FTH Volunteer)  and myself drove across Europe delivering food to Romania and then went on  to take the first fruits of your kindness to establish a new work in Bulgaria.  Later in the summer,   I co- led an International team on mission across Romania.

Later in the year I was privileged to see the establishment of a new EveryChild EveryDay program in Burkina Faso, established through the suffering of a 3 year drought in the Sahel.  Through adversity, hope has been planted in many people’s lives.  We will be starting the new year by sending our first container of a 100,000 meals to Burkina Faso.  In November this year we reflected and celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of Feed The Hungry.

Over the coming year the UK office will be taking the lead in establishing an extension of our program in Romania and out into Moldova.  Also the UK office has been at the forefront of establishing the extension of  the EveryChild EveryDay program into Mongolia in working with Help International Mongolia in bringing hope to the street kids,  taking  them out of living in sewers and rubbish dumps,  into a place of hope of rest, food and an education.

In the summer of 2013, I have been cornered into participating in what’s called the “ Rat Run” coast to coast bike ride from the Irish Sea, ending in dipping my toe in at Scarborough sea front to raise awareness and much need funds for the future growth of Feed The Hungry – an “ off- road “ bike ride of around 160 miles over 3 days.

But in all these activities, our focus is always on those in need, may it be here in the UK or in the furthest reaches of the Amazon jungle, or the plains of Mongolia.  Our goal of feeding 100,000 children every day is a step closer and has grown from a couple of thousand to over 42,000 in just five years, thanks to you.
Thank you again for your dedication to help others in need,  at a season when we remember Jesus who  Himself was a refugee,  born without a home,  in a stable with nothing but a bed of straw, was maligned and suffered  much, yet always had a heart for the Lost, the  Last and  the Least.

May God bless your path in the coming year for the sacrifice, love and dedication you have shown this past year.
With Much Thanks and Blessings

Gwyn Williams
Operations Manager
UK and Ireland
 Tel  0845 519 6025 
Mobile  0784 679 8179
www..twitter.com/feedthehungryuk / www.feedthehungryuk.blogspot.com

Donate by Text to Feed The Hungry UK by Texting CHILD to 70444 (£3 every month) or visit this link for Regular Giving -