Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry
Every Child Every Day

Monday, 11 November 2013

Philippines Emergency Relief

Regarding the relief project, 

Our goal is to provide an initial one million meal rations to people in need.  

Pastor David Sumrall and teams from Cathedral of Praise in Manila are making assessments and organizing logistics through church network associations they have in Tacloban, the city/area most severely affected by the typhoon.  Pete mentioned that the mayor of Tacloban visits CoP when in Manila, so government connections and clearances for relief work are favored at the highest levels.

CoP will purchase bottled water, rice, sardines, and other primary necessities in Manila to ship to Ormoc City via RORO vessel (Roll On Roll Off).  From there relief supplies will travel 20 hours overland to Tacloban. 

Having been in similar situations, we assume port and road facilities will be under extreme duress due to damage from the storm and increased capacity from relief organizations, so time needed to move cargo from Point A to Point B will likely be longer and harder than expected.

Armanda is working on moving 175,000 or so rice/soy meals from  Singapore and Malaysia to Manila or better yet, Ormoc City.  

We are working at sourcing 800-900,000 additional rice/soy meals fideally looking for any inventory they may have elsewhere in Asia/Pacific Rim so as to expedite delivery to Manila or Ormoc City.

Funds will be needed either for purchase of goods in Manila and/or ocean freight for rice/soy meals.  

As we know from experience, the first several weeks are a critical time in the relief process for potable water, water purification systems, proper foods, and hygiene items to be put in the hands of survivors.  And food supplies will be helpful and welcomed for a few months to come.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Thai Refugee Camp Burns

Easter is here! A time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and the hope his resurrection brings. It’s a time where Christians all around the world commemorate the crucifixion and live in the resurrection power of the Son of God.

Today we can demonstrate the hope of new life to people in great need. Two nights ago Charlie Milbrodt, our missionary partner in Thailand placed an emergency call saying, “As of today there are 2,000 houses destroyed with total loss, 37 dead and others still missing, over 3,000 people living under the stars waiting for relief help.

This terrible tragedy has happened to Karen refugees in Mae Surin Camp on the Burmese border. A wildfire, possibly intentionally set, razed every bamboo home to the ground. Thousands of Karen refugees who escaped persecution faced in Burma are now living out in the open with nothing to call their own.

A ranking government official, who graduated from Charlie’s bible school over 20 years ago, has opened the door for ministry teams to come and help the refugees in this military restricted area. Food and plastic tarping is on the way, but cooking supplies, kitchen utensils, and simple shoes are some of the items most desperately needed.

Your gift today of £16.50 will provide these relief supplies to five refugees; £33will give ten Karen refugees the items they need to feed their families.

As we rejoice this weekend in the hope of new life in a risen Saviour, take action to spread his message of hope to these families suffering such great loss. As ministry teams deliver food, water, and the supplies they need to keep their loved ones alive, they will be doing so in Jesus name… listening and praying with the Karen, encouraging them and ‘being there’ as a shoulder to cry on.

Never forget that you are making a difference in this world as a partner with Feed The Hungry.

Feeding the hungry with you,

Gwyn Williams
Operations Manager
Feed The Hungry UK