Feed The Hungry working together with
(JAG) Japan Assemblies of God
CRASH (Christian Relief Assistance Support and Hope)

The report from Ayuka @ JAG HQ is that displaced people/families are migrating to Tokyo from the flood and nuclear evacuated areas.Displacement shelters at schools & public buildings and churches are being set up.
The funds from FTH wired to JAG will be used as follows: 1/3 for baby food, formula & diapers, 1/3 for food & bottled water, and 1/3 for fuel & transportation. Our first line of relief will be JAG Bible
School/Seminary students distributing supplies in newly development shelters north of Tokyo.
As of last night, Stop Hunger Now verbally donated 4 containers of rice meals for FTH pipeline in Japan; a total of 1.1 million meals. JAG is working on the clearing process for the first container and has arranged storage space at one of their church facilities.
CRASH, will likely develop into another distribution partner for FTH assets.The group has gathered some good momentum and I speculate that they will develop the connections with the government/military for logistic support in moving relief supplies in quantity to the north.
These people will need our support and prayers!
Please pray also for means of transporting the aid to the affected areas as fuel is rationed to they only allow 10 litres per vehicle which will not be sufficient to make the journey. Also that the paperwork for containers will go through quickly.
Please help us today to cal 0845 519 6025 or donate online at www.feedthehungry.org.uk
Reach out to thousands of lives with God’s compassion and bring comfort to many who have losteverything. Please do what you can today to help reach those who have lost everything.
May God bless you for acting with His compassion.
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