Childcare Kitgum Servants – Uganda.
Kitgum district is in the northern part of Uganda. It is located between Longitude 320E, and 340E, Latitude 020N and 040 N. It is bordered by the Republic of Sudan in the North, Kotido District in the East, Pader District in the South and Gulu District in the Northwest. Kitgum is almost exclusively an agricultural district.
'You can feel the pain and suffering that the war has caused wherever you go in Kitgum. The children were to afraid to sleep in the villages where they might be kidnapped and be forcibly recruited in the LRA. They walked many kilometers every day to the relative safety of the night shelters. Most adults lived in the IDP camps (Internally Displaced People). Their own villages are either too unsafe or just not there: the mud brick huts are just too easy to burn down. We heard many stories of people perishing in mud-huts set alight by the LRA.’
This is an extract from a journal from 2006, since then peace has come to the area with the LRA chased out of Uganda and Sudan. However the ravages of war are still apparent in the stories of the people and children you meet. For an Australian woman: General Gradma Irene Gleeson as they call her, not only live through but achieve so much in the last 19 years is more than extraordinary. Her story is an epic tale in itself, yet her heart is for the people and especially for the children who have gone to Hell and back in the past few years.
Creating not only a safe house or a place of rest, but a place of restoration and hope, working with the children to enable them to reach to their full potential, and if there was no opportunities for their skills to be used elsewhere she has developed the opportunities for them to excel. As part of the endeavour to make this happen Feed the Hungry support the feeding program for the school, which is a significant task as they use 8 tons of Rice, maze and beans every week, to feed over 8,000 children through the 5 different schools they run in the area.

All this would not be possible without your support, as there is no government funding ( though this is becoming closer: please pray for a breakthrough ) or very little from the family members or clans to support Childcare at Kitgum.
Feed the Hungry are proud to support the work at Kitgum and look forward to supporting Irene and her team, as we see how a pound here can make such a huge impact 4,500 miles away.
Join our campign today £4 = 100 Meals to help extend our programs across the world to make a difference as has been achieved at Childcare Kitgum Servants visit to see how you can partner with us.
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