Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry
Every Child Every Day

Friday, 15 July 2011

The Silent Cries of the Horn of Africa grow to a Crescendo

The world has been shocked by a series of sudden and ferocious natural disasters this year: state wide flooding in Queensland; deadly earthquakes in Christchurch; and Japan's triple disaster - earthquake, tsunami and radiation threat. While the world's media has clambered over one another to beam pictures of these unfolding disasters right into your living room, a deadly famine has crept silently through the Horn of Africa with little of the world's attention.

Not enough rain has fallen for two consecutive years in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan & Uganda, countries collectively known as the Horn of Africa. A drought this severe has not been seen in the area for over 60 years. The impact of the drought has skyrocketed already high grain prices, devastated livestock mortality rates, encouraged conflict and exacerbated the restriction of humanitarian access to some areas.

10 million people are affected by the famine. 1 in 3 children are suffering malnutrition. Refugee camps are filling up with despondent people faced with agonizing decisions about life and death for family members.

In Uganda our local distribution partner, Pastor Solomon Mwesige, told us about a young pregnant mother that was sitting on an ant hill with a stick. The mother was trying to collect ants to feed her hungry children and herself. "I've never seen something like this. Never." explains Pastor Solomon, "it is extremely, extremely bad." Costs continue to skyrocket after yet another planting season has been lost. Just a handful of flour can cost a day's wage.

In Kenya, ABC news reported a story of a mother who abandoned her 6 children at home. No longer able to bear the anxiety of caring for her children, nor the thought of watching them die, she fled to a UN refugee camp. When UN workers learned of the situation and eventually reached the home, 2 of her children could not be saved. Starvation is forcing families and their children to travel on foot to refugee camps - often 6 weeks hike in distance. Those that make the journey arrive covered in sores and wounds. They are acutely malnourished, and completely dehydrated.

In Sudan, our local distribution partner, Pastor LoNathan has been looking after two children, 9 year old Janet & 13 year old Denis, who fled for lives from their very own mother. The death of their father left their mother under such tremendouse pressure. Medical costs and daily search for food seemed too great a burden for the mother, who felt the only solution was to strangle her baby to death and bury him in the bush. The heinous act was discovered and the mother was convicted, arrested and sentenced to two years in prison. On her release, the mother apparently tried to do the same to her other children, Denis & Janet. Thankfully, relatives intervened and contacted Pastor LoNathan who now takes care of Dennis & Janet.

Many of distribution partners in these countries have ongoing feeding programs for children as part of the "EveryChild EveryDay" program, but this crisis is affecting whole families not ordinarily covered by the program. Our distribution partners are doing their best to stretch their resources and share we so many people in the greatest need - but all our partners need an emergency boost of food resources to see their nation through this drought.

Substantial rain is not expected for another six months. "We need a miracle. We don't have enough food. Please, please pray for us." pleads Pastor Solomon.

Please heed Pastor Solomon's please and join us in prayer for a miraculous, super-natural, divine intervention in this tragic situation. Pray for gentle, soothing rain that will prepare the soil for planting. Pray for water to fall from heaven that will bring life and strength to a desolate land. Pray for the miraculous multiplication of food in distribution hubs across the region. Pray for stretching, of all related resources, that does not break. Pray for our workers and distribution partners that the do not weary in doing good. Pray for our Gospel workers that will provide bread for their bodies and bread for their souls. Pray the people of Africa will find Jesus - the source of living water - so that they will never thirst again.

FTH workers all over the world encounter families that literally pray, "Our Father which art in Heaven... give us this day our daily bread." This is not just a poetic stanza to them, it's a heartfelt prayer of desperation. You can help answer that prayer.

Through established distribution hubs in affected areas, managed under the careful watch of trusted Pastors LoNathan and Solomon we can greatly increase our distributions in affected areas. We continue to look for new distribution hubs to be established to make sure your donations helps get food to those that need it most.

You can help! Go on line today at www.feedthehungry.org.uk or call 0845 519 6025

Even if substantial rains fell today, it will take another three months to plant and harvest the crops. While food costs have quadrupled, we can still purchase food from our suppliers and deliver it for about 8pence a meal. That means a gift of £8 will ensure we can send 100 meals today.

Please prayerfully consider sending your best donation to the Horn of Africa famine appeal today.

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