For many of the 35,081 boys and girls currently being fed by friends like you, their Every Child Every Day meal is their only meal of the day. And with our efficient network of suppliers, it costs so little to make the difference between hunger and hope. Through Feed The Hungry's innovative system of shipping fortified rice meals, vitamins, and other essentials directly to local churches and ministries, we can be sure every meal reaches a child who truly needs it.
And because food is a little key that opens big doors for these precious children, they truly welcome the message of God's love that comes with every meal. Gospel presentations, Bibles in local languages, Christian children's literature, and more help the boys and girls build a relationship with Jesus Christ and see His plan for their futures . . . futures they'll have because of the meals you provide.
Thousands of precious children around the world are hungry, desperate, and depending on your compassion.
Please give your BEST gift to be matched today!
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