During the year we have many reports from our partners on the ground, showing the impact of how your partnership works out in pratical ways, please continue to pray that these Godly adventures increase as we break out into new areas of service for our awsome Saviour.
I find these stories from Salik really heart warming, I hope that you to also find them inspirational.
Dear Family in Christ,
Greetings in the most precious and powerful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. In June 2011, we rescued and redeemed three families from slavery in Pakistan. They were slaves to a land lord who owned a brick factory and these families were working for him. The whole families were making bricks including little children. My father (pastor Nathaniel Barkat) was informed of these families and the Lord put compassion on his heart to rescue and redeem these families. These families owed large sums of money to this land lord and they could not pay their debt and therefore they became slaves to this man. Now these families are free because their debt was paid. And their children will be educated in our School (The Children's Home). These children had no future but now the Lord has made a way for them to live a free and blessed life. Praise the Lord! Please pray for other families who are in slavery and they want to be free as well.
In June, 2011 our medical team went to different towns and villages in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. This medical team was led by my brother (Pastor Samson J. Barkat). Our medical team saw more than 2500 people who were affected with various diseases, viruses and infections. We also gave them free medicine. In all of these towns and villages our team shared the love and the gospel of Christ and prayed with the people in the name of Christ. Once again the name of Christ was lifted up and his love was shared with the people in Pakistan. Pakistan is in desperate need of your prayers that peace and hope is bought into the lives of its people .
The Children's Home is doing great. Kids are enjoying their summer vacation. This is a very hot summer in Punjab, in some areas the temperature gets up to 125 degrees. The School will resume in the end of August. Our churches, Bible school and other ministries are doing great as well. Please continue to keep us and our ministry needs in your prayers. Thanks!
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and use you continually to expand his kingdom.
In Christ,
Salik John Barkat
To find out more how you can support Pastor John Salik and the Children ttat we provide hot nutritious meal to in the Childrens home. Go to
http://www.feedthehungry.org.uk/ and help us be more than conquerors in a world of need.
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